Fashion Dataset, Handwritten Digit
Classification Dataset, IMDB movie rating
and others. Another important aspect of
the program is to study Structure of
Neural Units, Properties of Neurons,
Back Propagation, Convolution, Pooling
and Flattening operations etc. Students
will also develop the skills to effectively
use integrated development environments
(IDEs) in PYTHON and advanced packages
such as TensorFlow and Keras for
tackling more extensive DL/ NN projects
in the future
using PYTHON-Based Neural Networks
Project on for analysis of Mobile Phone
Prices: Project on Neural Networks for analysis
of Mobile Prices Dataset. Use various
parameters such as clock speed,dual sim,
carrier, 4G, memory, cores, pixel height, pixel
width etc to predict price range.
Deep Learning, Multi-layer Neural Networks:
Architecture of Deep Neural Networks,
Mathematical Analysis of Back Propagation,
Algorithm for Back Propagation with Arbitrary
number of layers.
Deep Learning Project for Fashion
Classification using the MNIST Fashion Data:
Project on Deep Learning Project for Fashion
Data. Project is built using the MNIST Fashion
Dataset. This is a dataset with fashion article
images—consisting of a training set of 60,000
examples and a test set of 10,000 examples.
Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image,
associated with a label from 10 classes.
Deep Learning Project for Digit
Classification : Project on Deep Learning for
Digit Classification using Digit Data Set. This
project uses the MNIST ("Modified National
Institute of Standards and Technology") dataset
which is the de facto dataset of computer vision.
This classic dataset of handwritten images has
served as the basis for benchmarking
classification algorithms. The goal of this project
is to use deep learning to correctly identify
digits from a dataset of tens of thousands of